Friends of Israel
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Help fulfill the Biblical Prophecy and Bless Israel by supporting Aliyah!

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About Us

Keren Hayesod-UIA’s Friends of Israel Division is a network of Christians around the world who believes in the strategic importance of the State of Israel as the beginning of the fulfillment of the Divine prophecies.

Based on our common Biblical heritage, we work hand-in-hand with our Jewish brothers and sisters, along with friends of Israel throughout the world, to support the efforts of Keren Hayesod-United Israel Appeal to help bring the Chosen People back to the Promised Land, and ensure its safety and security.

We are privileged to be living in times when we can witness the fulfillment of the prophetic visions before our very eyes, as new immigrants arrive in Israel every day. As it says in the Book of Isaiah: “He will raise a banner for the nations and gather the exiles of Israel; he will assemble the scattered people of Judah from the four corners of the earth” (11:12).

Aliyah of Ethiopean Jews


What We Do?
  • We bring Jews to Israel from locations where their lives are in danger.
  • We assist in absorbing new immigrants, giving them the tools to integrate economically and socially.
  • We provide opportunity for disadvantaged populations, enabling them to contribute their skills to Israel.
  • We support remedial youth villages, giving at-risk boys and girls the chance to become productive citizens.
  • We help elderly Holocaust survivors live their last years in comfort and dignity.
  • You can play a critical role in hastening the coming of the Messiah by helping bring the people of Israel back to the Land of Israel.
Image of Aliyah from Ukraine
Rescuing Jews in Need – Ukraine

Since Russia’s wide-ranging attack on Ukraine, which started on February 24, 2022, Keren Hayesod and our strategic partner, The Jewish Agency for Israel, have been working to provide critical assistance during this humanitarian crisis, including providing temporary sheltered housing in hotels, food, supplies and the funding of rescue flights, as well as supporting the refugees once they arrive to safety in Israel.

Image of Aliyah from Ethiopia
Bringing An Ancient People Home – Ethiopia

For centuries, the Jews of Ethiopia were persecuted by their neighbors – sold into slavery, forbidden to practice their religion, forcibly baptized, and robbed of their lands.
But although they were cut off from mainstream Jewry for millennia, they kept alive a dream – to return to the Land of Israel.
Since 1977, the Government of Israel, with Keren Hayesod-UIA’s help, has been bringing Ethiopian Jews home to Israel. Keren Hayesod continues this sacred mission and works to provide ongoing support for Ethiopian new immigrants once they have arrived home, in Israel.

“He will raise a banner for the nations and gather the exiles of Israel; he will assemble the scattered people of Judah from the four corners of the earth.” (Isaiah 11:12)

Sam Grundwerg
Sam Grundwerg, Keren Hayesod-UIA World Chairman

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Faith,

It is a great privilege for me to stand at the head of the National Institution that, for the past 100 years, has worked to realize the vision of the Return to Zion. In 1920, Keren Hayesod-United Israel Appeal was established by representatives of world Jewry to bring the People of Israel back to their historic homeland – the Land of Israel. The organization resettled hundreds of thousands of Jews; created housing and jobs; built settlements and towns; established physical, social and educational infrastructures, and created a myriad of institutions that became the backbone of Israeli society.

The Jewish people found strategic partners in this epic mission of national revival in devout Christians. Christian Zionists like British Foreign Minister Lord Balfour, General Allenby, Captain Orde Wingate and so many others played a key role in the rebirth of the Jewish state. This alliance between Jews and Christians, “the root and branch” of the same life-giving tree, is the natural outcome of our shared faith in the covenant between Almighty God and Abraham: “To your descendants I will give this land” (Genesis 15:18).

The rebirth of the Jewish state in 1948, after close to 2,000 years of exile, catalyzed the bond between Christians and Jews. Together, we see the hand of Divine Providence revealed before our very eyes – in Israel’s miraculous military victories, in the restoration of Jewish sovereignty over large portions of the Biblical homeland, in the liberation of Jerusalem, and in Israel’s extraordinary achievements in science, industry and so many other areas.

Central to the unfolding Messianic process that we are witnessing is the ingathering of the exiles. Since 1948, Keren Hayesod has helped bring some 3,500,000 olim back home from the four corners of the earth. Christians and Jews are partners in the shared challenge of bringing the People of Israel back to the Land of Israel, playing our role in realizing the Biblical promises.

But the challenge isn’t over. Half of the Jewish nation is still scattered on the face of the earth. And in recent years, anti-Semitic terror has spread like a cancer across the globe. Every day, brings horrifying new stories of physical attacks against Jews and vilification of the State of Israel.

Your staunch support and boundless love are a source of enormous strength to the State of Israel and the Jewish people. We embrace you and express our deepest thanks for standing with us.

With blessings from Zion!

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    Keren Hayesod – United Israel Appeal
    48 King George St. P.O.B 7583,
    Jerusalem 91074
    Tel: +972-2-6701867
    E-Mail: [email protected]