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Or Le Atid
Or Leatid
Or Le Atid
The creation of an Or LeAtid (light for the future) Fund is a unique gift that ensures permanent funding for the State of Israel and the Jewish people. It is a statement of a woman’s abiding concern for Israel, a reflection of her most heartfelt values and priorities. This gift strengthens Israeli society and empowers coming generations, while linking the name of the donor to Israel’s future in perpetuity. Every year, an allocation is made in the name of the donor (or someone designated by her) from income generated by the endowment gift.
In recognition of the creation of an Or LeAtid Fund, a beautifully crafted Or LeAtid flame is added to the donor’s Lion of Judah pin.  This flame is a powerful personal statement – reflecting the donor’s deepest personal commitment to build a stronger Israel and ensure the collective future of the Jewish people.

The International Women’s Division page