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Mechinot Ofek

When the numbers also tell

Ofek Mechina programs help adolescents “widen their horizons” (Ofek means ‘horizon’) and prepare for army service in an environment full of emotional support and training programs that ensure they have the tools to integrate successfully into life in general and the army in particular, as a key to good integration into society and the employment world.

As proof of this, 90% of Ofek graduates enlist for army service, and 95% report learning to make better priorities and decisions as they move into adulthood.

As part of building a safe homeland and a resilient society, Israel must be ready to defend its citizens against the many threats facing the country from all directions. Besides cultivating a sense of competence among the boys and opening the doors for a significant role in the IDF, Mechinot Ofek strengthen Israeli social resilience by bolstering the next generation to take initiative for the benefit of others—93% of graduates report that studying at the Mechina motivated them to stay involved as volunteers to benefit Israeli society.

In this way, Mechinot Ofek also creates a value circle of gratitude for the help one receives and giving it to someone else who is in need.

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